- 郭映均(F.5)
- 鍾皚榆(F.5)
- 郭康妮(F.5)
- 李懿婷(F.5)
- 尹心怡(F.5)
- 任蕙翹(F.5)
We are S5 students from Sacred Heart Canossian College. INNOVISIONARY, combining Innovation and Visionary, conveys our idea of innovating with the ability to see the future with imagination, and the determination to put plans into reality. We are five diverse individuals who share different interests and hobbies. One of the proofs would be the wide range of elective subjects we study, from History to Information and Communication Technology. Then what brought us together? It would be one of the few things we have in common --- the willingness to take up new challenges and the initiative to learn new things. Clashes do occur sometimes as our members do not always see eye to eye. But through efficient discussion, we always manage to come up with a better solution. Moreover, despite the differences among us, the different strengths that we possess allow us to optimize our ideas and plans. Each of us takes up tasks that we excel in, for example, some of us are better in doing presentations, and some of us are I.T. talents. Through continuous cooperation, which gives us various opportunities to learn from one another, we are able to be freed from the constraints brought by our shortcomings.
We are S5 students from Sacred Heart Canossian College.
INNOVISIONARY, combining Innovation and Visionary, conveys our idea of innovating with the ability to seethe future with imagination, and the determination to put plans into reality.

We are five diverse individuals who share different interests and hobbies. One of the proof would be the widerange of elective subjects we study, from History to Information and Communication Technology. Then whatbrought us together? It would be one of the few things we have in common --- the willingness to take up newchallenges and the initiative to learn new things. Clashes do occur sometimes as our members do not alwayssee eye to eye. But through efficient discussion, we always manage to come up with a better solution.

Moreover, despite the differences among us, the different strengths that we possess allow us to optimize ourideas and plans. Each of us takes up tasks that we excel in, for example, some of us are better in doingpresentations, and some of us are I.T. talents. Through continuous cooperation, which gives us variousopportunities to learn from one another, we are able to be freed from the constraints brought by ourshortcomings.