社創。社區 4.0
專題 原型札記 機構簡介 全民投票 得獎名單
創新、科技、STEM近年已成為年青人的新路向和目標。為使創科與社會更接軌,香港社會服務聯會推出「社創.社區4.0」比賽,鼓勵青少年認識社區,以設計思維(Design Thinking)針對社區需要構思原型方案 (Prototype)。參賽者透過實地考察,經歷同理心(Empathy),定義(Define)社區問題並思考(Ideate)社創點子,躋身決賽的15支隊伍更會製作原型實體令方案活現公眾眼前。

  • 陳卓健(F.4)  
  • 區樹勳(F.4)  
  • 陳朗軒(F.4)  
  • 羅子皓(F.4)  
  • 陳臻(F.4)  
We are the non-practical planners, a group of secondary four students from Hong Kong Chinese Christian Church Union Logos Academy. Our group includes so called the most hilarious and mightiest group leader, Chan Cheuk Kin, at least that's what he called himself. And our members are Au Shu Fan Nicholas, Chan Jun, Chan Long Hin and Lo Tsz Ho Max. We are doing a project on renewing refuse chutes focusing on the needs of the aging community in the Central and Western District in Hong Kong. We will be considering the users’ safety, their experience and the feasibility in details to create a better design to serve the community.

札記 1- Many small decisions could make a difference

  We are the Non practical planners from HKCCCU Logos Academy, and our product is a improved version of the refuse chute in Hong Kong.


  We are really glad that we have the opportunity to participate in this competition. When we are designing the product, we didn’t do much in-depth planning, that is also why we called ourselves the Non practical planners. After the 3 trainings provided by the organiser, we found out that there exist many problems in our design, like the fact that we expected a person to press a button while carrying a few bags of rubbish in their hands. Identifying the problems is just the starting point of our journey, solving them is the path behind, and we are willing to take the path.


  We tried to divide our problems into groups, such as user experience, safety and the feasibility. We decided we would organise a meeting every few days during lunch time at school, and we will discuss about possible solutions to our problems. Well, we didn’t have much luck in doing that, most of the time we didn’t achieve any progress, either because some of us for some reason didn’t show up during the meeting, or we were all too busy laughing at our captain’s amazing jokes.


  However, we do have some progressive discussions where we made some important decisions, including whether the plane carrying the rubbish should be larger, or smaller but having a sensor  integrated into the design. Also how we are going to support the plane, either using a triangular prism or two circular rod. Actually, now that I think about it, they aren’t such an important decisions as I initially thought, but every small decisions count, a wise man once said,”Many small decisions could make a difference.” By the way, I made up that quote.









